Types of surveying

Types of survey 

We all know what surveying in civil engineering means and in civil engineering survey there are two types Geodetic and plane survey.

What is Geodetic survey?

The survey in which the shape and curvature of earth is taken into account. Here the true shape of the earth is taken into consideration. This type of surveying is being carried out for highly precise work and is adopted for surveying of large area. It is also called as land survey because curvature of earth is taken into consideration. Since we know that we cannot place two points or draw a straight line on earths surface we use geodetic survey . The term geodetic was taken because earths shape is geoid .
A definite limit can not be set for the area upto which a surveying may be treated as plane, as the degree of accuracy required is the main factor we use geodetic survey.

What is plane survey?

The survey in which the shape of the earth is not taken into account. As we have discussed the geodetic survey , the plane survey is type of survey which is extremely opposite to Geodetic survey. In this method the mean surface of the earth is considered or assumed to be a palne surface . This type of surveying is applicable for small area (maximum 200 square km), as we cannot get accurate value for large areas . The scope and use of Plane survey is very vast , as it is applied in almost all the land surveys .
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Read more:
Read about surveying.
Read about scope of  survey.


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