Finally we know who built pyramids

Who built the pyramids 

The great pyramid of giza which is one of the seven wonders of the world situated 15 miles from the centre of modern Cairo .
So now many had this question or doubt or we could call it a secret that who built the pyramids and what is the connection of the pyramids  with the civil engineers .
Many people still believe that aliens were involved in this . But actually it was built by the people , hundreds of ancient Egyptians carried huge blocks of Lime stone and granite to Giza . the pyramid  of khufu remained the tallest structure on earth made by humans for over 3800 years . It was composed of 2.3 million stone blocks . The grate pyramid was originally covered with highly polished lime stone . The pyramid had inner passages going both up and down unlike the other pyramids . It is the only eight sided pyramid in Egypt .It aligned with the star's in the Orions belt and pointed to the pole star alpha draconis . it is the most accurately aligned construction ever created facing true north . It is exactly at the centre  of the land mass of our planet .The parallels and meridians which cross the most land only meet two places on earth , one of them is in the deep blue oven . The other one is where the great pyramid is .all this proves how skilled the people must have been to be able to build it.
Many people said that it was built by aliens .after all many great constructions on earth , like Stonehenge , Easter islands figures apparently look too good or too genius for their time . Many people believed that the plpyramids we're built to store grain . But in 1859 , a British publisher John Taylor concluded that  the pyramid was not built by aliens . He said this as he noticed something  called the 'pyramid inch' .which was identical to British inch . In 1884 one more theory came up stated that the pyramids we're originally  hills and it was snapped in the form of pyramids later .

How is it related with civil engineering .

 finally here's what and how the pyramid was built ,
new proof has been found to tell us how Egyptians were able to transport  2.5 ton blocks of lime stone and Granate for 500 miles to build the pyramids . Labour's  transported lime stone from tura to giza in wooden boats . First they had to transform the landscape to divert water from Nile and direct it to the pyramid through artificial canals . Then they started transportation  of limestone  blocks to the construction spot . The journey took around 3 days and this is how they built pyramids easily and these canals are now vanished .
this is how the pyramid was built and evolution  of civil and transportation  Engineers  happened .
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