This is why you should choose civil engineering

Many people are confused about choosing their passion and in what they are really interested even i was confused while i was choosing and this is how i did it.
before choosing any stream you should know at least little bit of it . so even here i saw what civil engineering was .

civil engineering  

Before choosing civil.i just knew that civil engineering just deals with building but its actually  a professional engineering which deals not only with construction but also the design and maintenance physical and naturally built environment .so this deals with the works such as roads,bridges, canals etc 

interesting fact was many people believe that the pyramids in egypt was built by aliens but it was built the normal people but those people are now called civil engineers .the idea of building increased from that period only and now we see remarkable changes in this field and that what made made to choose civil engineering .
And speaking about the education now we need to go through 3-5 years of study to get the degree and call yourself an official civil engineer.
after  seeing what civil engineering i saw what after the graduation what are the different types of jobs that a civil engineer does.


  • coastal engineering 
Coastal engineering is a small part of the civil engineering that just deals protection or management of coastal areas like seas etc , the main thing here is to protection against flodding and erosion.
  • construction engineering 
Construction engineering is one of the major part of the civil engineering . this involves planning and execution, transportation of materials, site development based on hydraulic, environmental, structural and geotechnical engineering .here you find mainly about just the business kind of stuff like what to do and how to manage it ,rather than field work.
  • earth quake engineering 
here they design structures to withstand earth involves works like building dams etc.
  • environmental engineering
this is one of the interesting field which deals with chemical and biological and thermal waste also involves treatment of water ,solid waste treatment, air pollution , waste management etc
  • forensic engineering 
as the name suggests it deals with investigate what is wrong and why it failed all such matters .and also they look how to improve them.
  • structural engineering 
here they design the structure of building, flyovers etc and .identifying the loads which act upon a structure and the forces and stresses which arise within that structure due to those loads, and then designing the structure to successfully support and resist those loads.
here they use particular equipment like levels and theodolites to get the dimensions of the site .it is also used to find the distance .

and other types such as 

geotechnical engineering,Transportation engineering,Municipal or urban engineering,Water resources engineering etc

pros and cons 


before you would choose civil engineering why not also look at the pros
  • civil engineering is an evergreen stream or profession and the value for it never decreases.
  • The average salary of a civil engineer is quite higher than any other engineering professionals.
  • if you dont want to work in field you will have both indoor works (sketching etc).
  •  average salary of a civil engineer is quite higher than any other engineering professionals.
  • you have wide range of branches .
  • site becomes your office where you can work freely rather than sitting in cabbin and working.
  • there might be chances of accidents.
  • it needs a little bit more effort and hard work .
  • it is difficult for the transportation engineers because of the large cities. 
so that's it share and subscribe my blog if you like and comment down if you have have questions .


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